Elizabeth Spano Scholarship
Established in memory of Elizabeth Spano, this $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior girl who has lettered in cheerleading, basketball or softball.
Ernest Clay Back Scholarship For History
This scholarship is offered to Tippecanoe High School seniors who reside in Tipp City, Ohio, or Monroe or Bethel Township and will attend an accredited 2 or 4 year college, university or technical school. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded.
Gilmore Family Scholarship
This scholarship is available to graduating seniors or individuals currently enrolled in post-high school education. Applicants may be graduating seniors of Tippecanoe High Schools or current college students that live in Tipp City or Monroe Township, Ohio. Recipients will be based on financial need and academic standing with preference to students who balance high achieving grades with community involvement. (1) $2,000 scholarship will be awarded.
Jeanette C. Gaston Memorial Music Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is available to graduating seniors of Tippecanoe High School who have participated in band for at least 3 years and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Katherine G. Lobo Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Kitty Lobo, this $500 scholarship is available to Tippecanoe High School graduating seniors who will attend a 4 year college or university. Selection based on academic achievement, a minimum GPA of 3.0 involvements both in community and school activities, based on financial need.
Marlene E. Chapman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is to be awarded each year to a graduating student from Tippecanoe High School. Three $2,500 scholarships are available for 2025 graduates.
McKee Family Matthew 5:16 Scholarship
This $1,500 scholarship is available to graduating seniors of Tippecanoe High School who pursue a two or four year post-secondary program. Recipients will be selected based on GPA between 2.5-3.5, their exceptional work ethic, demonstration of leadership and their Christian values evident in his/her service to others.
Otto and Isabel Frings Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to Tippecanoe High School seniors who will attend an accredited 2 or 4 year college, university or technical school. Primary consideration of this scholarship is need. Twenty-five $1,500 scholarships are available.
Sarah Gross Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to Tippecanoe High School female seniors, who exemplifies quiet leadership and have participated in interscholastic athletics, but need not have lettered in a sport. A senior who will attend an accredited 2 or 4 year college, university or technical school. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded.
Tipp City Rotary Scholarship – Tippecanoe
Two $1,000 scholarship(s) will be awarded to a student residing in the Tipp City School District and attending Tippecanoe High School. Must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA and accepted at an accredited technical school, community college or four-year college/university and attending as a full-time student. This scholarship will be awarded based on financial need. This scholarship may be renewed for a maximum of four years ($4,000).
Wenzlau Family Scholarship
Established to honor the Wenzlau Family scholarship one $2,500 will be awarded to a senior attending Tippecanoe High School and who will be attending any Ohio college or university.
Willhelm Family Scholarship
A $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior attending Tippecanoe High School and who wishes to further their studies at an accredited institution of higher learning. This scholarship is renewable.
If you live in Miami County, click here for a list of additional scholarships you may also qualify for.