Graham Community Foundation Scholarship
The Graham Community Foundation was created by the Alumni Associations of the six school districts that formed the Graham Local School District. These schools included Concord, Christiansburg-Jackson, Rosewood, St. Paris, Terre Haute, and Westville. The Foundation’s purpose is to keep alive the memory and heritage of the original schools through helping students further their education. Scholarships and Grants are available to Graham High School class of 2025 graduates.
Harold and Josephine Shank Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to graduating seniors of Graham High School who will be attending Wittenberg University. This scholarship is not paid until completion of the first semester of school. For more information, please contact Graham High School guidance office. One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded.
Richard Van Horn Memorial Scholarship
This $1,000.00 scholarship is offered to graduating seniors who will pursue a 1, 2 or 4-year program leading to a degree in the field of education.