Enhancing the educational experience of Miami East students
The Miami East Education Foundation (Foundation), established in 2003 as a component fund of The Troy Foundation, works to promote educational excellence in the Miami East Schools. The mission of the Foundation is to generate and distribute funds for grants, scholarships, and enrichment programs which will benefit Miami East students and the community. The Foundation is administered by a board of volunteer trustees, members of the community who are committed to helping provide the best possible educational experiences for Miami East students and the community.
Grant applications are reviewed annually by the School Personnel Grant Committee and the Miami East Education Foundation in mid-August. Applications are due on June 15 (or last Friday preceding June 15, if June 15 occurs on a Saturday or Sunday). No applications will be accepted after the due date.
School personnel grants can fund special projects, programs or practices that will enhance and expand student learning. All school personnel who impact the education and development of Miami East students are eligible to apply.
The amount of funding available is contingent upon the amount of money collected by the Foundation and may vary from year to year. The Foundation board may elect to offer partial funding for a project.
To apply for a Miami East Education Foundation grant a completed application must be sent or hand-delivered to the Superintendent’s office.
Grants are awarded at the all-district meeting in August. Those approved will be required to sign a grant acceptance document and file a final report at the completion of their project or program.