The Hobart Institute of Welding Scholarship is available on-line, one application and you will be considered for the scholarships below, the deadline is March 7, 2025.
David and Madonna Via Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to graduates of Miami, Darke, Shelby, Preble, Montgomery, Greene, Clark, Champaign, Logan, Auglaize or Mercer County, Ohio high schools and the Upper Valley Career Center to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. Scholarships must be used for tuition only. Any unused amount will be returned to the David and Madonna Via Memorial Scholarship Fund. This is a $1,000.00 scholarship.
HIWT Alumni Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to anyone who applies to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. Scholarship must be used for tuition only. Any unused amount will be returned to the HIWT Alumni Scholarship Fund. One $500.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Hobart Brothers Company Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to graduating seniors to attend the Institute. Priority will be given to children or grandchildren of employees of ITW related Welding Companies, then to Miami County High School or Upper Valley Career Center graduates then to graduates of surrounding county schools, then to all other scholarship applicants. Scholarships must be used for tuition only. Any unused amount will be returned to the Hobart Brothers Co.
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to anyone who applies to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. Scholarship must be used for tuition only. Any unused amount will be returned to the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Scholarship Fund. Two $5,000.00 scholarships will be awarded.
Howard B. Cary Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in the name of this outstanding individual. This scholarship is for the HIWT Structural Welding Program. This is a twenty-one week program valued at the cost of the program. Based on your preference, this scholarship may also be applied toward the thirty-six week Combination Structural & Pipe Welding Program. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of the cost of tuition for the Structural Welding Program.
Pat Kennedy Scholarship
Established for the purpose of assisting individuals to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology who are from Indianapolis, Indiana region. Two $1,000.00 scholarship will be awarded each year. Applicants must have applied and been accepted to the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology to be eligible.
Peter C. Hobart Scholarship
Two $1,000.00 scholarships to the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology are available. While first consideration will be given to an International student and to any welded metal sculptors. If there should not be a qualified applicant for one of the two purposes stated, then the entire available amount may be used to find multiple scholarships in one of the defined areas. If there are no qualified applicants for either of the two purposes then the scholarship will be offered to the pool of applicants who apply for all other scholarships offered through the Troy Foundation. Scholarship must be used for tuition only and any unused amount will be returned to the Peter C. Hobart Scholarship Fund.
Raymond C. Dunlavy Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in the name of this outstanding individual. This scholarship is for the HIWT Structural Welding Program. This is a twenty-one week program valued at the cost of the program. Based on your preference, this scholarship may also be applied toward the thirty-six week Combination Structural & Pipe Welding Program. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of the cost of tuition for the Structural Welding Program.
Robb Fitch Howell, II Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Robb Fitch Howell for the benefit of The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to any U.S. Citizen who has graduated from high school within seven years to attend the Institute. One $2,000.00 scholarship will be awarded each year. Scholarship must be used for tuition only and any unused portion will be returned to the Robb Fitch Howell Scholarship Fund.
Robert Bercaw Scholarship
Established by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in the name of this outstanding individual. This scholarship is for the HIWT Structural Welding Program. This is a twenty-one week program valued at the cost of the program. Based on your preference, this scholarship may also be applied toward the thirty-six week Combination Structural & Pipe Welding Program. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of the cost of tuition for the Structural Welding Program.
William B. and Marcia H. Howell Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of William and Marcia Howell for the benefit of The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology, this scholarship is available to any U.S. Citizen who has graduated from high school within seven years to attend the Institute. One $750.00 scholarship will be awarded each year. Scholarship must be used for tuition only and any unused portion will be returned to the William B. and Marcia H. Howell Scholarship Fund.